Sunday, September 26, 2010

A glimpse into the past with a future focus

So, I finally did it, I decided to give in and join the blogosphere... mainly so I can use the word "blogosphere".  The past few months have all about growing up. I realized that I am an official senior in college, moved into an apartment alone, and have started the dreaded grad school search. Talk about the "future" has found its way into every conversation I have had recently. As scary as all of it is, I am completely excited! It has been awesome to see how God has planned certain things to be orchestrated so perfectly and guess what?! He knows what He is doing, thank goodness because I sure don't!

Now that my first paragraph of blogging is complete I will add pictures of my trip to England this summer.

During my trip to England I...

saw this

smelled these

Played with them

Rode in this

and ministered with these amazing people
This trip completely changed my life. The religious culture over there is so different from anything I had ever experienced. Just getting a chance to spend time with these kids and teens, really opened my eyes. We had such an awesome group and wonderful host homes.. I can't wait to go back!


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