Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Living the life..

Well,  a lot has happened in the past few months... some wedding planning, some working, lots of school, and an abundance of day dreaming. So many things have passed through my head (probably when i should have been paying attention to something or someone) that I have never thought about before... insurance, jobs, houses, ceremony songs (WHAT?!), centerpieces, etc. If someone took a glimpse into my brain currently they would find facts about homeless youth combined with wedding budget numbers running about 100 mph. phew!

Since February, I have taken up a new hobby of running. My friend Kakie and I started with a few 5k's and then we moved up to a 10k! Woot woot! Here we are before the Crescent City Classic...

6.2 miles through the streets of New Orleans in the hot and humidness.. but we still had a good time! 
Next endeavor? 1/2 marathon!!! 

One things that running forces you to do is to become a goal setter, to get to the next light post, to get to the next water fountain, or to get to the finish line. I have noticed this practice drifting over into other parts of my life and I like it! I have recently made a quick list of goals both short term and long term and I hope to check them off one by one! 
Here is a quick glimpse at my list:
1. learn to drive a standard 
2. run a marathon
3. save at least $100 per month
4. do a 1/2 ironman (iron woman)
5. graduate college-- getting close!
6. focus on being a blessing! 
and there is a lot more but I won't bore you with those for now. I will keep you updated on my progress! 


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