Friday, March 16, 2012

Always new

Sometimes you just have to make decisions, step out on a limb to really experience God's goodness. I am currently taking a break from writing a review of literature to reflect on the past few months.

Since my last post I have completed 2 1/2 marathons-- that totally equals a full marathon...right?!, gotten married, bought a house, started graduate school, and figured out what I actually want to do with my life. So basically I have been sitting around doing nothing. Totally. 

So, like I said, sometimes you just have to step out, be scared, and trust God. I totally didn't know what my life was going to look like a year ago. I had no idea what being married was like, what it was like to not be on LSU's campus, or what it was like to live in your own house.. although sometimes I get this ohmygoshi'mabiggirlnow feeling, overall I think I am doing alright! 

My love for caring bridge has not died down, I have found more and more people to follow and pray for. I recently got to experience a few miracles through that site where things looked really bad for 2 kids and then despite what all doctors thought, the kids both survived. The best part? No doctor could explain why the child didn't die. Totally had to be a God thing and while I have no idea who these kids really are, I got to experience these miracles and rejoice with these sweet families! That's what it is really about guys, rejoicing for lives being preserved, for kids getting another chance, for teaching children with autism to do things that they otherwise couldn't do! So amazing!

I have also recently discovered my complete love for teaching groups of children with autism basic preschool skills. It is the most incredible experience to see kids go from not being able to sit down for longer than a minute on the floor to sitting through an entire circle time routine, singing, learning the calendar, doing centers and then listening to an entire book. AMAZING! I could not be more proud of these little ones and it brightens my day each time I get to see them and their incredible progress. With all of that said, I have decided on a BCBA program that focuses on groups. It all kind of fell into place and it is just perfect. 

Sometimes its the little things in life... but sometimes it is the BIG things for these kids that we totally take for granted. We truly don't realize how huge some of these things are for them! So excited!

If you made it this far in the post, you are awesome. Thanks for reading my ramblings. Take time to pray for continuing passion and excitement for such a life changing field! 


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